Is The Ocean Just Acting As a Giant Petri Dish For Extraterrestrial Life Forms?

January 24, 2023
For centuries, we have been curious about the ocean and its inhabitants. Some sea creatures, such as the Octopoda (Octopus) and the many other Cephalopods in the sea, can alter their Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) to shape shift, change color, and even mimic other sea creatures. In the deep ocean, there are also magnificent creatures that can glow in the dark. This ability is called bioluminescence. You might be thinking “some of these abilities are downright alien!” Well, this might be the case, according to the Panspermia theory. The Panspermia theory is a theory that looks into the idea that Bacterial life forms came from space on an Asteroid millions of years ago. There is also a more abstract theory called Directed Panspermia, which is a theory that talks about how life might have been purposely sent here.
Although some people and even scientists think that those theories are or could be true, we can’t say for sure. For now, we have no evidence to support the theory of Directed Panspermia. We are discovering more and more about our ocean as our Technology develops, and who knows? Maybe the ocean IS a giant alien laboratory? We may never know.