Which One Is Better? Marvel or D.C.?

November 9, 2022
Which one is better? Marvel or D.C?
This has been a controversial argument against superhero fans for many years. Both have a very large fandom. Marvel was started by Martin Goodman in 1939. It was originally called Timely Comics but after that, they renamed it Marvel Comics. Many of the younger Marvel fans don’t really read the comics as much as they watch the movies. Most of the main superhero teams such as the Avengers, Fantastic 4, X-Men, and Guardians Of The Galaxy are owned by Marvel. Marvel has also released a few more movies than D.C. Marvel movies also tend to come out on a more frequent basis. Marvel comics have been important, but many of Marvel’s younger viewers don’t read the comics as much as they watch the movies.
D.C was started by Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson. It originally had two other names before it got to D.C comics. Many people like Marvel, aren’t as familiar with the comics, as they are with the movies. D.C was started in 1934, making it 5 years older than Marvel. Some popular D.C superhero groups are Teen Titans, Justice League, and Suicide Squad. D.C has also created more superheroes with superpowers, that they were born with.
In my opinion Marvel is better.