North Shore Middle School has a new assistant principal. Ian Strong recently sat down with Dr. Mabrouk to learn about her pathway to our middle school.
Was this your first career? (If not what was)
No, actually I was a Social Studies teacher at North Shore and Seaford. And right before I came here I also worked in Manhasset as an assistant principal. I also worked at a Car dealership, and a little bit of retail during college.
What made you want to become an Assistant Principal?
Well, I had been a teacher for 14 years and was secured as a Union Rep. and wanted to see if I would like it and wanted to give it a try.
What is your most favorite part of working in a school?
Well, time with the students is always different and funny. And I meet new people all the time. And people who work in schools are very caring and nice people and that makes it more enjoyable
What is your most favorite thing about NSMS?
It’s the culture of the building and the ways we do things, and the most fun thing is the real sense of community. And it’s really nice to see everybody together.
Do you have anything you are looking forward to in your assistant principal career?
Well, I am a big people person. And the most fun thing is seeing the students turn that corner in their lives, hearing about them in the future, and seeing how they may be successful in life. And I love watching growth throughout the years.
Do you have any favorite memories so far this year?
Dr. O’Hara is always filled with great moments. When I walk in either on a day right after break or a Monday he is always waiting for me at the door playing fun and upbeat music. And I really just love those mornings.
Cats or dogs/Do you have any pets?
Cats. I have two cats Thor and Cookies
What is your most funniest interaction with a student?
I’ve always found the funniest interactions are when students are in my office and are actually innocent about what they have done. And if they were mean, they were not actually trying to be mean about anything. Also having them explain things and their funny excuses like I was trying to put my phone away and the next thing I know it’s in my hands at lunch.
Thanks for your time!